There's no question, it will hurt-
The emptiness, of a tough first
No card, no brunch and no bouquet
To gift to her this Mother's Day
But it does speak to who she was-
The fact that you miss her this much
Her qualities, still embodied
In all that you turned out to be
And that's just the wholehearted truth-
She always will, live on in you
And though, I know, it's not the same
At least we know she's not in pain
It's a sadness that lingers
With some days, harder than others...
In-between feelings of peace
And relishing fond memories
Just a few quick words to say
I'll be thinking of you today
And offering a big old hug
As a reminder, you are loved
Her light and legacy live on
In many ways, she isn't gone
She left a lot to celebrate-
So, Happy Mother's Day.
Some things call for giant hugs and extra support! And the first Mother's Day after losing a beloved mother certainly is one of them. Adding salt to the wound- all the marketing and ''in-your-face'' Mother's Day advertisements. Help a grieving loved one feel included this year, by giving them a big old hug, and a little something to smile about...like feeling seen and cared for.